You may already be a savvy shopper but if you are not BRexit will likely change that. If it does not expect to be worse off financially.
Little in real EU exit terms has happened since a majority in the UK voted for the country to leave the European Union but a lot has happened with prices. Tuesday it was announced that APPLE were hiking the price of their apps up by 25% but if consumers stop purchasing expect a re-think. But what about food, energy, the basics and the usual luxuries of life? Becoming a savvy shopper is easy and may help your finances weather a BRexit price hike storm.
It harks back to the days of "look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves." You do not have to become tight or a greedy penny-pincher but rather a sensible savvy shopper who knows the value of money and what it buys. This approach could keep the wolf from your door during tough financial times.
March 2020