As we age our brain power diminishes. Fact. However the rate at which it diminishes, and just how much it does so, can vary a great deal.
Keeping your brain active helps. Learning new tasks and hobbies will help keep your mind alert. A good balanced diet with plenty of exercise will help keep both your mind and body in tip top shape. Sadly for some though dementia may still be the future. Genetics of course plays a part. The ever increasing elderly population of the western world has shown that living a long life is not always a bonus. The increase in elderly people with dementia is both staggering and frightening. Research is fighting hard to come up with some positive answers and treatments, and the one discovery is quite simple. Vitamin B Vitamin B is not just one vitamin. There are over the counter supplements which offer B Complex, B12 or B6 for example. UK scientists used Vitamin B in research regarding patients with dementia. It was trialed on 168 volunteers and the results said to have been remarkable. All of the volunteers suffered from some form of memory impairment, often seen as the precursor to Dementia and Alzheimer's. In a typical study half of the "human guinea pigs" were treat with nothing more than a placebo. The Vitamin B given contained high doses of the vitamins B folate (B9), B6 and B12. The volunteers taking the Vitamin B suffered much less brain shrinkage and wastage. This treatment seems to work by controlling levels of an amino acid called homocysteine. High blood levels of homocysteine are linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Simple I guess The research claims to have shown that "Large daily doses of vitamin B can hal the rate of brain shrinkage in elderly people with memory problems and may slow their progression towards dementia". Researcher's now believe that treating people with early signs of memory loss can slow down the onset of Alzheimer's and dementia. Warning: Researchers advise against trying to take such high levels of Vitamin B without medical guidance. The levels are said to be a "drug" rather than a "vitamin". Getting the balance wrong could do more harm than good. Consult your health professional for the best advice. General information: 16 per cent of people aged over 70 worldwide, are said to suffer with the symptoms associated with very early signs of dementia. 37 million people worldwide live with dementia, or with Alzheimer's disease in the majority of cases Some foods will supply a good amount of natural Vitamin B. Our personal opinion is that eating a diet rich in these Vitamins, whilst you are still under the age of 70 could help you stay brain alert. The foods include, eggs, cheese, lamb, beef, crab, lobster, fish, octopus, caviar, liver and mussels. This list is not exhaustive as some foods provide a good source of say Vitamin B6 or Vitamin B12. For a more thorough breakdown of which foods supply which Vitamin B source read on here. Also
March 2020