Time is a precious commodity
21st Century living for most people is hectic. Time is one of our most precious assets. As such we guard our free time, however brief, from unnecessary intrusions. An older person however may have too much time on their hands. A depressed person may have all the time in the World to sit and think but that may not be the best option. Time is funny. Too much free time can in some cases be as bad as not having enough time. This is not governed by age, money or your sex. Loneliness at Christmas is terrible. Some people can feel lonely in a room full of people but there will be others who will not see or speak to a soul over the Holiday Season. For them the gift of your time is as valuable as giving them a million dollars. Family, friends and the Community If you look no further than your immediate neighborhood there are bound to be people who could use some of your time. An elderly person with no immediate family may love a little of your time. It could be used to complete a few chores that have become impossible tasks to the person or just to have a friendly chat. There could be a sick neighbour who has a dog that needs walking, shopping to collect, a Christmas tree to put up, Christmas Cards to write and post or any number of minor jobs which have become insurmountable tasks. Local charities Local charities would probably love a little of your time, especially at Christmas. The people who work at services such as dog rescue centres are often volunteers. The animals will need feeding, walking, cleaning up after, grooming and more whether it is Christmas or not. Giving a little of your time will ease the burden on the volunteers. It will allow them a little extra time to spend with their loved ones over the Holiday Season. Hospitals and residential homes may equally value a little of your time. It may be helping with chores or visiting patients and residents who have no family who can visit. Homeless shelters are sadly on the increase, especially during the Christmas period. An extra pair of helping hands will be welcomed here for sure. In the UK hospitals have a volunteer service which operates throughout the year. A few extra helping hands at Christmas are very useful. Check out what you can or cannot do in good time before Christmas. Even volunteers will need to have CRB, police checks, to make sure that they are suitable to work with chldren or vulnerable adults. Make it official Get busy on your computer and create a Christmas gift certificate of time. Include who you are giving the gift to, what it is for and how much time you are giving. This gift could be perfect for grandparents or parents. It could be a promise of a garden make-over in Spring, the re-decoration of a room, a weekly allotted time for shopping ot whatever you know will be important to the recipient. Above all use your imagination and cater a gift of time to suit the person or persons on the receiving end. If money is tight time may be all that you have to give but it could be the best gift received this Christmas. Volunteering: Become a hospital volunteer
January 2019