Friday Tony Blair stepped into the post EU referendum BRexit debate. Apparently speaking as part of an organisation called Open Britain Mr Blair made a keynote speech and the mainstream media sucked it up. Six days ahead of two byelections in former Labour strongholds which supported BRexit his speech was ill-timed and ultimately self-serving. Was his speech aimed at ordinary working class people? If it was the purpose appears to have been to tell them they are stupid. Tony Blair and others appearing on Open Britain's social media accounts have their own agenda. For some it is undermining Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn for others it is all about the money. Roland Rudd is the chairman of Open Britain: This is the man behind Open Britain Presumably those contacts on the left refer to people like Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson and Ed Balls who have links to Rudd.
Rudd is the son of a stockbroker and reportedly had ambitions to be Prime Minister as a child. His sister is Amber Rudd Conservative Minister. Opinion: Look to the people mentioned above if you are still wondering why so many potential voters remain disenfranchised. Want to read more?
Diane Abbott is a strong, principled Labour MP who is often under attack. Look at her timeline or anti Diane Abott trolls on social media and you will find a shocking level of racist and sexist abuse levied at her. Thursday she is under attack for failing to support Jeremy Corbyn in the Article 50 debate in the House of Commons Wednesday. Diane was suffering a migraine and was a no show. This means she is logged as abstaining. While Ms Abbott and others have berated some for abstaining in other votes it is not an unusual move. What is unusual or should that read vindictive is an alleged email plot to deride Ms Abbott on social media. Politics Home is the source of this news. U.K. Labour Party MPs are privately mocking close Jeremy Corbynally Diane Abbott for missing Wednesday’s historic vote on Article 50 due to “illness” — circulating an email among themselves ironically suggesting that they get #PrayForDiane trending on Twitter. Again it is an anonymous source leaking the email. No doubt it was one of the usual suspects. “I’m very worried about Diane’s illness and I know many colleagues will share my concern,” the email begins. “Can we organize a PLP collection for flowers? I’ve tried to get colleagues to donate informally, but I’ve only raised 64p and can only think this is because they are too traumatized and worried to focus on it properly at the moment. Maria Carroll a friend on social media shared the story saying: "How can we respect our MPs and seek unity when this is their behaviour? I'm sure many of us either suffer from migraine or know someone who does. Its debilitating and it's onset is sudden and relentless. Dianna Abbott, no matter what people think of her politics, her statements or her principles is the most abused MP in the house. She suffers racial discrimination, misogyny and ridicule daily, gets hate mail and death threats, but she keeps going and keeps fighting for her beliefs and is highly regarded by her constituents. Why is this happening? because she supports Corbyn and because she supports the labour position on article 50. This is horrid, it's the kind of behaviour we try to stop in schools. It's the kind of behaviour we expect of UKIP not labour. This is now going too far and I urge you all to email you MPs and ask them to get behind the democratically agreed labour policy on Brexit - at conference, at NPF, at NEC and shadow cabinet. It might not be your preferred position but it's the majority labour position. And I'm sick of it being used and seeing members being used to ridicule Labour. What does this kind of behaviour deliberately given to the press make voters think? This was my reply: "My husband suffers with migraines. Thankfully less often at this time. Twice he has been hospitalised. The first time for three days when a stroke was suspected. He is now retired but during his working life experienced sceptics. It was "its only a headache" "i get migraines too" and more. But if he did not get home quickly enough he could not. He was often unable to communicate properly, his vision was at times severely impaired and more. Did Diane pull a sickie? I thought we lefties were generous individuals who would not judge but instead empathise with her migraine?" This story undermining Ms Abott and the Labour Party leadership shows a childish vindictive element in the Parliamentary Labour Party. The conclusion has to be that those involved like riding the political gravy train but do not care about forming a government or how they and the party are viewed. Who was the anonymous source, a person who lacks the backbone to be named? Could be .... ........ But who knows apart from the sneak and the source. But it has all the hallmarks of a disloyal bully. Another posisble suspect is John Mann a known disloyal bully who once had his sights set on becoming party leader. |
September 2021