Op-ed: The mainstream media in the UK is concentrating on Chancellor Hammond's rapid back pedalling with regards to an increase in National Insurance for the self-employed but for many the big story is allegations of Tory Party misspending during the 2015 General Election. Or as some call it allegation of Tory election fraud. The Conservative Party surprised itself when it won the 2015 General Election helped along by the rise of the SNP in Scotland, doubts over Ed Miliband's leadership qualities spread by the media and the promise of an EU in or out referendum. Wednesday media sources are reporting that the Crown Prosecution Service has received files from 12 police forces across the UK relating to Tory Party misspending allegations. For many viewers it will be brand new news but for many of us it is the continuation of a story that broke over one-year ago. Channel 4 journalists notably Michael Crick have been questioning whether election spending rules were broken in 2015 and they have done so for some time. It even led to suspicions that was why the then PM David Cameron wanted to sell off Channel 4! But Channel 4 reporters kept the pressure up. This woman has written about the allegations on numerous occasions but it is probably fair to say that for many people it is breaking news Wednesday. Actually hearing it mentioned on Sky News as Kay Burley questioned former Tory Chancellor Norman Lamont was satisfying. It means that finally the British electorate will get some mainstream news reporting on allegations of Tory election misspending. Will there be a whitewash with allegations swept under the carpet amid promises not to do it again? There are strict election spending rules in the UK; so strict that even not accounting for a postage stamp could in theory result in jail time. So who will take the wrap? Will there be by-elections in affected constituencies? Could the Tory Party's slim majority be slashed? Will any person be jailed? Police forces were given additional time to investigate the allegations but the deadline is now May 9 and the clock is ticking. The Guardian reports "it emerged on Tuesday that Kent police had interviewed Craig Mackinlay, the Tory MP for South Thanet, under caution over his spending returns relating to his campaign against the then Ukip leader, Nigel Farage, in 2015." That investigation is ongoing. Mackinlay was interviewed under police caution. "Earlier on Wednesday, Will Quince, the Tory MP for Colchester, also revealed he had been interviewed under caution over allegations about overspending in the last general election. He said police told him there would be no further action against him after the interview, which took place in January." Our earlier reports include; http://www.newtekjournalismukworld.com/british-political-scene/electoral-commission-tory-party-overspending-update http://www.newtekjournalismukworld.com/latest/tory-election-fraud-the-story-that-will-not-go-away http://www.newtekjournalismukworld.com/british-political-scene/has-the-electoral-commission-the-teeth-to-prosecute-the-tories Note: The Electoral Commission issues clear guidelines on spending. These state that: There are two types of spending by or on behalf of parties at elections.
These are: Party campaign spending on campaigning to promote the party and its policies generally. For example, national newspaper adverts for the party, or leaflets explaining party policy. It also includes spending on promoting candidates at elections where the party nominates a list of candidates for a region, instead of individual candidates for local areas. Candidate spending on campaigning to promote a particular candidate or candidates in their local area. For example, leaflets or websites that focus on one or more candidates and their views. Different rules apply to the two types of spending.
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Friday Tony Blair stepped into the post EU referendum BRexit debate. Apparently speaking as part of an organisation called Open Britain Mr Blair made a keynote speech and the mainstream media sucked it up. Six days ahead of two byelections in former Labour strongholds which supported BRexit his speech was ill-timed and ultimately self-serving. Was his speech aimed at ordinary working class people? If it was the purpose appears to have been to tell them they are stupid. Tony Blair and others appearing on Open Britain's social media accounts have their own agenda. For some it is undermining Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn for others it is all about the money. Roland Rudd is the chairman of Open Britain: This is the man behind Open Britain Presumably those contacts on the left refer to people like Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson and Ed Balls who have links to Rudd.
Rudd is the son of a stockbroker and reportedly had ambitions to be Prime Minister as a child. His sister is Amber Rudd Conservative Minister. Opinion: Look to the people mentioned above if you are still wondering why so many potential voters remain disenfranchised. Want to read more? http://www.onewomansomanyblogs.com/news/tony-blair-stirs-pot-and-hands-round-begging-bowl https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_Rudd http://www.open-britain.co.uk/ http://www.finsbury.com/who-we-are/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2074786/Roland-Rudd-Another-schmoozing-lobbyist-clout.html Six days ahead of two by-elections that are crucial for Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn former Labour Party leader Tony Blair has put in an appearance. Yes you guessed it right, it has not been aimed at helping the Labour Party win in either Stoke Central or Copeland. His well publicised speech on mainstream news channels coincides with UKip Stoke candidate Paul Nuttall`s speech Friday. Both Copeland and Stoke voted for BRexit so either Blair is banking on voters changing their minds or he is up to something entirely different. One Labour comrade today received the following email from Blair: The Government’s policy is now Brexit At Any Cost, as those in the driving seat have always wanted. Our task must be to expose relentlessly the cost to the country of rushing over the cliff’s edge. So fat cat Tony Blair wants your hard-earned money.
You can make of the above what-you-will. Me I see the rise of the right of Labour finally having scuppered the Labour Party time and again perhaps moving on at last. With such enemies within who needs outside real enemies? Blair and his regressive comrades in Progress want old new Labour and cringe at the idea of the Labour Party becoming socialist. Way past time Blair and his ilk vamoosed https://www.change.org/p/jeremy-corbyn-mp-apply-fairness-in-the-labour-party-treating-senior-members-and-ordinary-members-equitably |
September 2021