Op-ed; Oh what a tangled web they weave when first they practise to deceive. This woman may have misquoted slightly but boy does that saying fit British politics. Since the UKs unelected Tory PM announced Monday she was calling a snap general election scheduled for June 8 it has been a roller coaster of resignations, spats and more from across the full political spectrum. Thursday Douglas Carswell a Tory who defected from the Conservative party to join UKip only to quit UKip in March saying he was quitting UKip and would stand as an independent has announced he is quitting politics though will campaign for his old pals in the Conservative party. He was always a Tory like so many leading lights of UKip. For them it was all about leaving the European Union. On March 25, 2017 on a sister site this woman wrote; "Ukip's former Tory MP Douglas Carswell is quitting the party and hopes he will continue representing his constituency of Clacton without having to face a by-election. He plans to stand as an independent but how independent will he really be? He has already shown himself a die-hard Tory during his time with Ukip. On the BBC news channel Saturday morning he stuck the knife in Ukip firmly and squarely. He assessed Ukip as a one trick pony that is finished now that PM Theresa May is about to trigger Article 50. In October 2014 we reported "Ukip and its party leader are celebrating Friday morning. The party secured its first seat in the Commons in Thursday's vote boosting the party's image and ego. Tory defector Douglas Carswell won Clacton in the South of England but was the electorate voting for their tried and tested old Tory MP or UKIP?" Carswell was full of praise for unelected Tory PM Theresa May Saturday. His words re Ukip "job done" obviously do not reflect his full view. Carswell is hoping his constituents remain a one MP set of voters who are intrinsically right-wing but what about local Ukip supporters? If Carswell has his way they will not get a chance to elect a Ukip MP or one of any other political colour. Is he so desperate to stay in politics and if so why? Did Carswell discuss his resignation with Theresa May and other Tories? Was he hoping to simply cross the floor of the House and join his Tory chums? Such a move would trigger a by-election. He did not discuss his imminent departure with his Ukip colleagues who found out he had quit along with his blog readers and the mainstream media. Carswell posted his intention to resign on his blog saying; It has been an extraordinary achievement. UKIP, my party, which was founded in 1993 in order to get Britain out of the European Union, has now achieved what we were established to do. Will Carswell be back?
Could be-like a bad penny. He refused to rejoin his Tory chums when he quit UKip as it would trigger a by-election. He has said he will be voting Conservative on June 8 and this woman says no change there then. Sky News reports "As the former UKIP MP says it is time to move on, ex UKIP donor Arron Banks tweets that the "Clacton swamp" has been "drained"." http://news.sky.com/story/douglas-carswell-delighted-to-be-stepping-down-as-an-mp-10843951 http://www.newtekjournalismukworld.com/british-political-scene/douglas-carswell-quits-ukip-reveals-independent-plan
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Op-ed; At the weekend members of Theresa May's cabinet lost their cool and issued vague military threats against Spain over Gibraltar; Monday Donald Trump has jumped on the bandwagon and issued in some ways less vague threats against North Korea and China.
But while some world leaders were looking at destroying our world Mother Nature had unleashed her forces in Colombia. Devastating mudslides in the south west of the country Friday night killed at least 254 people. Sadly the death toll includes dozens of children. BBC News reports Monday "President Santos said the death toll was 254, with at least 170 of the dead identified, including 44 children." The President has declared a state of emergency. Parts of the town of Mocoa in the Putumayo province of Colombia were buried by rocks and mud during heavy rain. It happened while many people were sleeping. They did not stand a chance. Wildlife and pets were obviously hit too. A veritable avalanche of muddy water swept through the town Friday night after three rivers burst their banks following many day's worth of rain falling in just hours. The airforce is dropping vital supplies and the Red Cross is working to reconnect families. More than 1000 military personnel have been deployed in the area. The region has experienced similar "natural" disasters. Obviously much needs to be done to make the region safer and less prone to mudslides. Which takes us back to U.S. President Donald Trump. As Trump sabre rattles at China and North Korea he plans to take his country back decades by scrapping "climate change" initiatives. Mr Trump and his team are global warming and climate change sceptics. Perhaps they can explain their stance to the people of countries like Colombia directly hit by extreme weather. More; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-39470238 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39475178 |
September 2021